This is Who...
This particular Dentist, single-handedly, grew his practice from 1 to 14 dental practices in seven (7) years. His practices ranked five years in a row, on the Inc. 5000 List of America's Fastest Growing Companies. His name is Michael Kesner, DDS, and he is the author of the book "Multi-Million Dollar Dental Practice".
~ If one had never heard about Dr. Kesner's accomplishments, until now, one may probably think that achieving such a tremendous feat, in ONLY seven (7) short years, would be impossible, if not incredible. But, with determination, dedication, and a powerful system in place, which NextLevel Dentists Provides, one can achieve, in their practice, whatever level of success, they truly and fervently desire.
And Now Here's WHY...
Dr. Kesner wrote an article, back in 2013, entitled 'Four Ways to Increase Revenue'. The reason we are sharing this particular Must-Read Article, with you, is because it perfectly correlates and aligns with our NextLevel T-M.A.P.S.℠, Process, and Steps; in which we Map-Out and Guide our DDS Clients, to Higher Levels of Performance, Revenue & Profitability.
Once you come to the end, you will realize and know, in that moment, that NextLevel Dentist™s' Methodology, System, and Strategies can work for you, SUCCESSFULLY. Then, you'll begin to Visualize, Realize, and Feel the Tremendous Possibilities and Results... to get started, immediately. It's that Simple and Easy.
Okay, so, let's get into the actual article, which is in Bold, Italic, and Quotation Marks. We, NextLevel Dentists™ (NLD) have added commentary to parts of the article, which you will see is indicated by bullet points. The commentary points out the correlation between Dr. Kesner's Revenue Increasing Methodology (which still rings true, today) and our Data Technology Driven NextLevel Dentists™ Transformative-Massive Action Performance System (T-M.A.P.S.℠) and Process; Powered by Ai Technology.
HERE'S DR. KESNER'S ARTICLE ("in quotations and bold italics"):
"You will never substantially increase revenue by reducing expenses. Overhead control is important but not nearly as important as increasing revenue. In fact, the best way to decrease overhead is to increase revenue."
"If you implement the following four guidelines, the increase in revenue will far exceed the increase in overhead. This, in turn, equates to profit."
"Most of the time it is important that these guidelines be addressed in the order listed:"
- NLD - This is very much true with our T-M.A.P.S.℠. We like to commence our process, with our DDS clients, by increasing their Revenue and Profit Internally; First and Foremost, with your current base of traffic and patients… Meaning via Growth Marketing. Meaning creating a re-marketing campaign targeted at current and previous patients offering "NextLevel Flex-Fi" Patient Financing for Procedures and treatment plans. Establishing a solid Foundation Creates a Standard of Consistency for Building tremendous Revenue, on an automated and systematic platform, if one's budget only allows for this type of marketing.
"1. INCREASE YOUR CASE ACCEPTANCE RATE: Most dentists have a case acceptance rate of 20% to 30%. This means that 7 to 8 out of 10 new patients each month are walking out the door without getting the dental treatment/procedure that was needed and recommended."
"If you increased your case acceptance rate to 60% to 70%, then you would double revenue on the same number of new patients."
"How do you accomplish this?"
"By making case presentation a "team event" as opposed to solely the doctor's responsibility. This method works better to inspire the patient to want the needed treatment. People will always find a way to pay for what they want, but not necessarily what they need."
"Your case presentation should not be based upon teaching the patient dentistry. Patients decide to do dental treatment based on emotion, not education."
- NLD - Okay... The good Dentist makes a strong, compelling, and excellent point. Help Increase your Case Acceptance Rate, by Selling the sizzle, not the steak. We will teach your staff exactly how to accomplish this selling method, to your patients.
- NLD - Although, the first step in our system, is to set you up, to provide "NextLevel Flex-Fi" Patient Financing, to your current data-base of patients and precisely targeted potential patients so that they can afford your suggested high-Ticket, High-Profit procedures and treatment plans; we will also provide you and your staff with powerful methods on exactly how to sell the sizzle, most effectively, to your patients. Imagine that? It's a method we started using, back in the 80s, in our family business, in order to gain a competitive edge, in our sign manufacturing and service business. Interestingly, this method was also strategically used, by Obama, via the aid of his handlers, to win the Presidency in 2008 and again in 2012. It was also used by Trump, to win the Presidency, in 2016. After all, Dr. Kesner did say that it should be a team effort, and from our experience, it has to be...
- NOTE: We've come to find that the case acceptance rate on new patients has risen to 25%-35%, since that article was written.
"2. INCREASE YOUR CAPACITY TO DO MORE DENTISTRY: The more dentistry you do per hour, the more revenue you will generate per hour. Increasing your capacity may include adding another treatment room, adding another hygiene room, adding more staff, or adding another dentist or hygienist."
"You can also increase capacity to do more dentistry, by increasing efficiency. By improving systems, you can create more time to do more dentistry. Examples include shortening room set-up time, streamlining the sterilization process, or gaining speed on dental procedures through the organization."
- NLD - We've been facilitating SBA Loans and Capital to Businesses and Medical Practices, since 1990. If you're in a position, space-wise, to expand your practice, we will be happy to assist you with securing the necessary financing and capital to expand your practice, to prepare for and accommodate your increased Patient load. We Specialize in this type of financing. In Fact, we specialize in providing financing specifically for the Dental Practice Industry.
- NLD - Whether we assist you, financially, to expand your current location or help you relocate to a larger facility, expansion will be necessary, to accommodate your increase in patient flow and growth.
- NLD - If you take advantage of our NextLevel 7-Steps to Market Dominance System, you are going to need more space, room, and staff, for treating your increase in patient traffic, in a timely efficient manner. The #1 complaint from dental patients, behind dental cost, is waiting too long, in the waiting room, to get served. You will want to avoid this complaint, at all costs. It can single-handedly ruin your Reputation. Keep in mind, the importance and life time value of each patient. Never Take Your Patients for granted!
- NLD - Concerned about how to afford additional help? Here's a thought... If you retained employees, in 2020 and/or 2021, you may be eligible to receive a credit, of up to $26K per employee. Just CLICK this link to learn more about it and take action, before time runs out, if you haven't already.
- NLD - By opting in to have us conduct precise target marketing to potential patients, seeking a particular cosmetic procedure/ treatment plan, Booking their Appointment, with your Clinic, and offering them "NextLevel Flex-Fi"℠ Patient Financing, and automating systems, can create more time for you; like for playing golf :) and if you don't play golf, then how about having more time with family, friends, fishing, shopping, vacationing, Spa time to relive stress, or whatever.
"3. INCREASE YOUR NUMBER OF HIGH-PROFIT PROCEDURES: Porcelain Veneers, Implants, Endodontics, and crown & bridge are examples of procedures that typically have a higher profit margin. If you do not offer any of these services, you can get the necessary education to add these to your practice."
"Remember that just because a service has a higher fee does not necessarily mean that it is profitable. If a procedure takes too much time and/or has too high of a cost to provide that service relative to the fee charged, then it is not profitable. For example, a root canal that takes you three hours to complete is probably not a profitable procedure."
- NLD - Are you leaving enormous amounts of money on the table, due your inability to precisely target potential patients, actively seeking certain high-ticket, high-profit cosmetic procedures/treatment plans ; and providing them with "NextLevel Flex-Fi™" Patient Financing? We would bet that you are...
- NLD - Our Focus with our DDS Clients is to position you to produce more High-Ticket High-Profit Procedures/Treatment Plans. This goes hand-in-hand with the first step of our process, T-M.A.P.S℠ and "NextLevel Flex-Fi™" Patient Financing. We will also be diligent in bringing back patients that escaped your Dental Office, without having their needed procedures performed; along with running campaigns to previous one-time visit patients, you may have received, via Groupon.
- NLD - We encourage you to create Dental Procedure Packages, to sell High-Profit services as a bundle. After all, the finance Range is $1,000 to $100,000 for Approved Financing.
"4. INCREASE YOUR NUMBER OF NEW PATIENTS: You can increase the number of new patients by doing more internal and external marketing. It is important that you do the "right" kind of marketing (a topic for another day). I find that many dentists have ineffective marketing, thereby decreasing effectiveness and ROI."
"Increasing the number of new patients is usually the first step most dentists want to take when their revenue is down. Doesn't it make more sense to fix the previous three categories first?"
"If you increased the case acceptance rate first, then you would have more money to spend on marketing. This would also, in effect, decrease the marketing costs by increasing ROI."
"By increasing capacity first, you could process and treat the increased number of new patients in a shorter amount of time. For instance, if your schedule feels fairly full with 25 new patients a month, then how are you going to handle 75 new patients a month?"
"Also, by increasing the number of high-profit cosmetic procedures before, increasing the number of new patients, you increase the amount of revenue generated per new patient."
"What would happen if you only became 20% better in each of these four categories?"
"Your revenue would double! This is due to the "rule of 72". Since these four categories are interrelated, there is a compounding, synergistic effect in which the total is greater than the sum of the parts. This is how practices triple and quadruple revenue in a fairly short period of time."
- NLD - So, Are you ready to double, triple, or even quadruple, the revenue in your Dental Practice?
- NLD - Again, Dr. Kesner made some extremely powerful points. After all, he built 14 practices, in 7 years, using the methodology he shared in this article.
- NLD - In conjunction with the business philosophy of "The E-Myth Dentist", it is our Methodology, as well, but on STEROIDS!! YES!!! Our distinct advantage over the others, that approach you and promise you more patients and revenue, is our synergistic combination of *IN-HOUSE SERVICES, SOLUTIONS, SYSTEMS, Ai TECHNOLOGY, EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE, 33+ years of BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, POWERFUL TOOLS, SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS, AND SHEER DEDICATION, and DETERMINATION to take your Practice to a Higher Level of Performance, Revenue, and Profitability! Simply put, NO OTHER BUSINESS, MARKETING, AND FINANCE CONSULTING FIRM COMPARES... ABSOLUTELY NONE!!!
- NLD - Nevertheless, our NextLevel Dentists™ T-MAPS℠ (Guidance System) will gradually and smoothly proceed you to the next steps, in our process to help take your practice to that Next Level of Dentistry, Revenue and Profit.
- NLD - All you need to do, now, is complete the 7 Steps to Market Dominance. After we evaluate the forms, we will discuss your goals, our strategy, and how we shall best proceed. Does that sound like a plan?
* IN-HOUSE SERVICES - Meaning, other marketing agencies use Google, yelp, FB, Twitter, etc., to run ads for you; which you can do yourself and save money. Then they will tell you that they partner with these companies to give the appearance and impression that they are Big Time. Companies like Google will partner with anyone, simply because these other marketing companies bring them business, and Google takes 80% of the advertising cost. Our methodology is much different and far more Potent, Powerful, and Effective.
Imagine the Possibilities.
Feel the Results.
…And Let's get you Started, Right Away.